9 Tips On How To Speed Up Content Creation For Your Business

how to speed up content creation
Content Writing

9 Tips On How To Speed Up Content Creation For Your Business

Are you wondering how to speed up content creation for your business?

Then you are in the right place. Read along as we throw light on how your business can create content faster!

How To Speed Up Content Creation


Begin with a comprehensive content strategy

how to speed up content creation

Having a comprehensive content marketing strategy in place is supremely vital for success in the content marketing world. Without it, it is not possible to achieve any viable results in this arena of business. 

Let us discuss this more clearly-

When a business doesn’t know who it is writing for, the best means to reach them, and what efforts need to be taken to reach them; then, how is it possible to create meaningful content? 

comprehensive content strategy

You could still create content, and it may have a mass appeal, but it is likely to speak to no one. It doesn’t solve the purpose of connecting with your target audience. It is likely to be a waste of time!

So the correct thing to do is begin by creating a detailed content marketing strategy! So what does a content marketing strategy include? It needs to give you clarity on-

  • The desired brand image you wish to convey through the content
  • The kind of content the audience is likely to resonate with
  • The best medium to place the content in front of the target audience

It is only with answers to these 3 questions and about clarity on your buyers’ persona that you have a comprehensive content strategy and you would be able to create content based on it.

Build an editorial calendar

Build an editorial calendar

If I am asked to name the one most important thing a business needs to do for having a strong content marketing strategy– I would definitely say it is having an editorial calendar. 

Having a long term well-planned strategy that has consistency is much better than a short-term tactical content campaign. Consistency is the key here.

And consistency has nothing to do with the volume of content. It is about the consistency in the frequency of publishing. With an editorial calendar, you know what has to be done when.

Like suppose your business wishes to release a video every Wednesday, a blog every Friday, and podcast episode every Sunday, this way the team responsible for content creation knows what is due when and can ensure a speedy process.

And why is it that knowing intended production dates can contribute to a speedier process? The answer to this lies in the features an editorial calendar is expected to have.

Apart from titles and dates of content, an editorial calendar has details like –

  • Audience personas of each content, 
  • A content segmentation grid, 
  • The intended media channels to use like slide share, e-book or the blog of your company,
  • An inventory of content that gives details of content ideas and sources of content generation,
  • Details about the people responsible, both for creating and publishing the content,
  • A status reflecting option – as in the process, due, completed, etc.

There are loads of software out there in the market like Kapost, Contently, HubSpot, and others that can help you with the editorial calendar but something as simple as a Google Drive Spreadsheet can also solve the purpose perfectly well.

Old content updates with sequels

These types of content creation techniques  are amazing ideas and are like hitting two targets with one arrow.  

  • ONE– You get a topic for your new content. 
  • TWO – You get an excuse to link back to your old content. And contribute to link building.

Now that I have listed the benefits, give me a chance to explain what exactly I mean by updates and sequels!

Update old content

Updates – Suppose you have a piece of content created about 3 years ago on the topic- ‘Top marketing trends of 2017’. You could come up with a new blog that talks about ‘Top marketing trends of 2020’. In this blog, you add the newer trends that have come up in the 2 years since the previous content was created, and talk about latest trends in the year 2020.

A Sequel for an existing content

Apart from creating a new blog what you can do is add links of the previous blog to the current one. This is an excellent way to drive traffic to your older articles that have got buried down somewhere in search engine results. 

Sequels – Suppose your previous blog talks about ‘How to get a glowing skin in winters’, after 6 months when the season changes, you could come up with a sequel to this article with an article about ‘How to get a glowing skin in summers’. 

Repurpose content

This is another trick to derive more benefit from a piece of content. It also is a way to generate content quickly.

Any content your company owns can be repurposed to a different format. This would ensure more benefit derivation for a single piece of content and also create a chance of more and varied traffic generation.

Let us say your business has been publishing blogs for over a year now. You could now begin a YouTube campaign.

How? That’s simple. Convert those blogs into videos. Even something as easy as a slideshow of scrolling text, music, and related images works.  

A business in today’s world has many such options! Text to video/ infographics/ podcasts – are all wonderful for repurposing.

Repurpose content
how to speed up content creation
Repurpose content
Repurpose content

Another thing about repurposing is, it is something you could easily delegate. The main crux of the work –research and content creation – is ready. So repurposing doesn’t call for extremely skilled individuals!

In short, repurposing is a swift and easy way to multiply content- be it 2X….3X…of even 4X times!

Answer audience queries

Answer audience queries

You have run short of content ideas? A good place to get ideas for the next few content topics is looking for audience queries. Quicker topic ideas mean quicker content generation! And is a good answer for the most searched query by business owners today – about how to speed up the content creation process for their website.!

When your article gives answers to some of the most frequent audience queries, the audience is likely to find, click, and read it all the way to the end.

Throwing light on something the audience wants to know is a win-win situation both for your business and the audience.

Timeline of ideas in advance

Timeline of ideas in advance

Have you ever wondered what is the toughest part of the entire content marketing process? No, it’s not the content creating process!

Then, what do you think it is? 

Coming up with fresh ideas for content is actually the most challenging part.

And this issue can easily be tackled when you take time to generate almost 3 months of content ideas in advance.

This not only ensures consistency between content but also means time-saving in the form of not having to brainstorm for individual sessions.

It is noteworthy that you understand that planning ahead does not mean following the pre-decided plan to the letter. You always need to have scope to incorporate topics on breaking news or some latest industry developments. 

Just have a look at the current pandemic situation. Suppose you own a business about exercise equipment. Now since all businesses are shut, you may not be able to generate sales, but you could up with blogs like-

  • How to stay fit during the tough times of COVID 19
  • Work on your fitness from home during COVID 19, without equipments

And while you do so, you can simply push the pre-decided topics schedule a little further down in the editorial calendar.

The purpose of an editorial calendar is not to be a rigid content publishing schedule, but a way to minimize the time for a content topic generation. Having at least two months’ worth of topic ideas can surely save up to 50% of your content marketing preparation time, had you done it separately for each content and is the answer to the question businesses are looking for – how to speed up content creation for our website!

Drawing support from tools

Content management tools

With support from the right kind of content development tools and techniques, a business can expect to create content not only better but also faster and with ease!

Some tools that are worth being tried are Google alerts, Hootsuite, Slack, Zoom, Google drive, Trello, Airtable and dozens and dozens of others.

As a business, you just need to pick the content development tools and techniques  that suit you and help you achieve quick content creation for your website.

Yes, tools alone are not enough to speed up the whole process, but they are definitely worthy to contribute effectively towards speeding up the content creation process and come in the category of content creator must haves!

Outsource to experts


It is impossible for a business owner to be able to do everything himself or through its staff team. After handling a host of business-related needs, it is very possible that creating content gets fizzled out towards the tail end of to-do lists.

When someone who works on content creation is not an expert in that matter, it is obvious that it is likely to take more time to churn out content. This impacts the entire marketing strategy in terms of a slower rate of content publishing. The most ideal thing to do is outsource your content creation needs to professional content marketing agencies like Towards 90.

Content marketing agencies have the right kind of experience, knowledge about the most apt content creation techniques to generate fruitful, effective, and superior quality content in much in short time frames. This quick content creation would definitely make your whole process faster.

Parting Words

By implementing the above-discussed tips on how to speed up content creation, your business can speed up the planning process that goes behind the content creation for your website.

 how to speed up content creation

To stay abreast of the cut-throat competition in this digital world, it is these small pointers that have the capability to make a huge difference! 

Get in touch with our team at Towards 90 for any kind of content marketing needs your business might have. With the right mix of knowledge and expertise, our team can provide you perfect solutions for all your content marketing needs.